Community Owned. Local News. Burke County, NC.

Angela Marlowe

Angela Marlowe

Political platform statement

Full name: Angela Marlowe

Age: 33


McDowell High School; Marion, NC; 2008

University of Phoenix; Bachelor of Science in Health Administration Graduated 2018

Military service: None


Currently a Stay at Home Mom and Homeschooler; Freelance Photographer

Taking care of my two children and providing a safe and Christian-based education.

How long have you lived in the town in which you desire to serve? 10 years

Do you own your home? Yes

If so, how long have you lived at that address? 10 years

Why are you seeking election? 

I would like to bring a new and unrepresented voice to the board of Glen Alpine.

If elected, what will be your primary focus during your first six months in office?

In the first six months, the first issue I would like to address and work with the board members on, is the town employment issues and concerns. 

Then I would also like to collaborate with the board on ideas for better community involvement.

If elected, how will you address recent property revaluations and the subsequent increase in the actual dollar amount citizens are paying in property taxes? 

Property Taxes fund schools, libraries, police departments, fire departments, and public works.  The essential elements to our community.  

My top priority is to voice the opinion that the town needs to provide safety and security for its residents, a town that is well-cared for, and a town that strives to give its residents the best that they can. 

I can bring new motivation to the board to find alternative ways to off-set increases and costs to aid in keeping these values in place, as well as, limiting the amount that citizens have to pay.

The town has two open positions at the Police Department. What would you do to recruit quality candidates to fill your open positions?

First, the board needs to find a way to provide a competitive salary and benefits to offer to potential and current Police Officers and other Town employees. 

In the current economy, providing salary and benefits for the town employees that are similar or as close to the surrounding areas as possible, is going to bring attention to the positions that are available. 

The town also needs to consider incentives to offer for the positions so that the town can reach a broader hiring pool. These incentives can include, but are not limited to, moving budget, sign on bonuses, or advancement opportunity assurance.

Many of the stores along Linville Street have closed permanently. What would you do to encourage commercial investment and revitalization in the downtown historic area?

One major concern for any business is safety. I would strive to make sure that our emergency services stay in Glen Alpine and that the quality of our emergency services are the best we have to offer. 

The next concern for businesses is revenue. Will they have enough patrons to thrive as a business?  

If we bring back the community aspect that Glen Alpine used to have, with fun festivals, family activities, and community outreach, we will create a town that other people will want to visit and increase the outside view of what a small-town community can offer to a different generation.

If elected as a public servant, what legacy do you hope to achieve during your tenure in office? 

I would like for people to know that I made the Town of Glen Alpine better in some way and that I really listened to the community as a whole. 

That the many voices of the community were taken into consideration and that the decisions I made was for the betterment of the community as a whole.

Any additional comments or remarks?

I trust and believe that God has a plan for each and every one of us. If I can be a part of that plan for Glen Alpine, then I am ready for it. 

If I am not, my only prayer is that God is at the heart of any decision that the board has to make moving forward. Thank you for your time and consideration. God Bless.