Community Owned. Local News. Burke County, NC.

Jacob Luke Boone

Jacob Luke Boone

Political platform statement

Full name: Jacob Luke Boone

Age: 39


McDowell High School, 2002

Military service: None


J. Iverson Riddle Developmental Center, 21yrs, Program Development Supervisor. Work with a wonderful community of people using active treatment to achieve result-based, person-centered goals.  

How long have you lived in the town in which you desire to serve? 2/14/2012

Do you own your home? Yes

If so, how long have you lived at that address? 2/14/2012

Why are you seeking election? 

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”- Cited numerous times in history. 

Although we do not know who said it first, it is nonetheless true now more than ever. As a nation we cannot even agree on what a “man” is anymore. It became clearer that if we are to shape hope for the future folks must not sit back and wait for someone else to do. 

I hold the belief that true change starts at the family level and spreads outward. Small towns and communities are that family. 

If elected, what will be your primary focus during your first six months in office? 

It would appear folks hold the view that the Town’s twilight was somewhere around when the High School closed almost 50 years ago. 

People talk about the Town using words like used to, never, and back then. Attend a hall meeting and have your suspicions confirmed. Folks have lost faith in the Town; my pledge is to restore faith in the Town back to the people. Starting with listening to the whole town including those who cannot make the meetings. Restoring civility towards our neighbors. 

We can no longer ignore the Children, Community, Churches, and Businesses of Glen Alpine.    

If elected, how will you address recent property revaluations and the subsequent increase in the actual dollar amount citizens are paying in property taxes?

“Inflation was transitory” but has never left. It’s not wise to fleece the flock when we can hardly feed the flock. 

The Town has met financial requirements without raising tax money before. It’s absurd to throw in with others who are taking advantage of folks in desperate times and raise town taxes. The county and town got that wrong.

If taxes are raised, the standard must be raised. What is the money for? The state is currently voting on a bill to lower state taxes. The Town needs more?  If elected I would revisit this issue with the People of Glen Alpine.

The town has two open positions at the Police Department. What would you do to recruit quality candidates to fill your open positions? 

The Police make up a large part of the town budget, that said, what is safety worth?  I will share the good feeling of pulling into the school Monday – Friday and Officer Shane opens the car door to welcome the kids. 

This is what the Police should be doing to serve and protect. To keep police we must pay folks, Simple. To those who say it is an overreach, I would ask them to pull a shift at the wage Glen Alpine pays current Police. 

Again, folks deflect back to a time when the town had only one full time officer. The local news will show crime is growing worse daily. We can bury our heads in the sand no longer, ignoring the problems hoping it skips our Town. 

We need a strong police presence with good town oversight. As Alderman I pledge to have a strong police force with clear police expectations and oversight. 

Not more Police than we need and most certainly not less police than we need. We put folks at risk by asking them to work below safe numbers. We put the Town at risk by not accounting for a full-time police force.   

Many of the stores along Linville Street have closed permanently. What would you do to encourage commercial investment and revitalization in the downtown historic area? 

Five properties make up the “historic downtown business area”  4 of the five properties are owned by interest outside of Glen Alpine. 

The Pharmacy, Bike shop, and Pet groomer all do well in this location. At a glance, the issue seems not to will the town support a business, rather is the lease agreements conducive for a capital investment to grow. 

Growth takes time and parking spaces. I invite the opportunity to meet with the property owners and compare what is a standard lease rate at other places in Glen Alpine. Also, what incentives would satisfy both parties to bring more business downtown?    

If elected as a public servant, what legacy do you hope to achieve during your tenure in office? 

Jesus said to “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, and with all thy mind.” And the second is “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” My hope would be to restore civility back to the town. 

Most folks do not even know who their next-door neighbors are anymore. For too long the decisions in Glen Alpine have only awarded benefit towards few. With influence from those who seem to fair sumptuously.  My hope is that all the people in the town will be proud to tell others where they live and what we do for our neighbors. 

Any additional comments or remarks?

Folks feel they alone have the power to fix what is broken, I confess that I alone can do nothing. No one can be self-sufficient. 

The Sun is just starting to rise in Glen Alpine and the “good times aren’t over for good.”  My hope is to bring faith, community business, and kids from the elementary schools into the Town discussions. 

Not sure why the town currently does not include a prayer from a local church or pledge for a student and teacher from the community. To my knowledge no league of town business owners exists either. 

I am running against others who not only share names on the same campaign signs but hold the belief that less is more in Glen Alpine and would like to close the books on our future. I cannot reach my goal without support from those who call Glen Alpine home this November.