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Nominate Your Choice Today for Prestigious Distinguished of the Year


For decades, the Rotary Club of Morganton's Man of the Year award has been an important, sell-out community event. COVID temporarily muted the ceremonies, but not the enthusiasm.

Recently renamed the Bob Shepherd Distinguished Person of the Year, Rotary is seeking nominations for  "one person who has contributed significantly to the betterment of the community," said Rotary Board Secretary Deborah Jones.  "It is a special honor that transcends politics and personalities, and it is reserved only for those individuals whose leadership and service extend far beyond the reach of the average citizen, exemplifying ‘Service Above Self’ (the Rotary motto).” The tradition of the award goes back to 1948, started by former president J.D. Fitz, who received it in 1972. 

The Club is accepting nominations through May 24. Jones said that those wishing to nominate someone should send a letter that includes the nominee’s name and information about his/her background, especially details about achievements that have improved the lives of area residents that would qualify the person to receive the award.

Letters should be sent to Deborah Jones, Secretary, Rotary Club of Morganton, PO Box 294, Morganton, NC, 28680. Nominations can also be emailed to

"The title of the award has been changed in honor of our longtime Rotarian friend and former Man of the Year, Bob D. Shepherd," Jones said. "Bob was termed a 'good shepherd', a man who personified the spirit of service above self, and who was deeply involved in many community service-oriented endeavors since moving to Morganton in 1982. Bob passed away last year."

"Morganton has always been a community made up of compassionate, generous people, devoted to making the place we live in better," said Greg Cairnes, Club President. "However, some distinguish themselves by putting 'service to others above self' and they should be recognized for their exceptional acts. Since 1948 that has been the purpose of Rotary’s Distinguished Person of the Year award,” he said.

A website honoring previous recipients, elaborates on the award's meaning.

 “Each recipient has been welcomed into an exclusive fellowship of men and women whose deeds and vision have helped enhance the quality of life in this community for over 70 years," Cairnes said.