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Waldensian Heritage Museum celebrates 50th anniversary on Sept. 21


Valdese's Waldensian Heritage Museum will celebrate its 50th birthday on Sept. 21. The museum provides information and educational displays about the Waldensian people who settled Valdese in 1893.

On Saturday, Sept. 21, Valdese’s Waldensian Heritage Museum will mark a milestone as the organization celebrates its 50th anniversary. According to Executive Director Gretchen Costner, the public is invited to help commemorate the occasion at a free gala event.

Rodoret Street will be closed for the celebration, which begins at 3 p.m. Local band Lost Wages will entertain crowds and hosts will serve charcuterie cups that will include salsiccia, a Waldensian sausage. Costner said attendees will also enjoy birthday cake to celebrate the event.


Museum Director Gretchen Costner holds a photo of her grandfather, Albert Francis Garrou Sr., chief executive of the Waldensian Hosiery Mills, which is part of the industries display in the museum's lower level.


The museum's Executive Director Gretchen Costner stands at the entrance of the museum's timeline room.

Sandra Wilkerson Queen is the arts & entertainment editor for The Paper. She may be reached at 828-445-8595, ext. 2002, or

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