By 'buying a seat,' you can help the Burke Arts Council create a theater space under its roof. Pictured here is a scene from 'Picasso at the Lapin Agile,' the first production staged at BAC. The main gallery space had to serve as both the stage for actors and the house for audience members. The actors pictured here are, from left, Jordan Randall, Angie Gragg, Marshall Goff, and Ann Franklin.
The Burke Arts Council recently staged its first theatrical production at its new home on South Sterling Street in downtown Morganton.
Steve Martin’s “Picasso at the Lapin Agile” played to four sold-out audiences in late August in a temporary theater space in BAC’s main gallery. The goal, however, is to transform a large room off the main gallery to serve as the theater’s home and to create a true community theater with local auditions and several productions annually.
You can support BAC's efforts by buying a seat in the new theater with a donation of $100. Checks or credit cards are accepted. For more information, call 828-433-7282.
Don’t Miss Today: On Saturday, Aug. 26, the Burke Arts Council is one of more than 20 sites where free music is offered as part of Play Music on the Porch Day. The bluegrass jam band The Woodshed Collective will play from noon to 1:30 p.m. The Morganton Ukulele Society, which meets every other Thursday at BAC, will perform at Buzze’s Creamery and General Store at 605 S. Green St. from 4 to 6 p.m.
About Burke Arts Council: The mission of the Burke Arts Council is to enrich the quality of life in Burke County through cultural and artistic activities. BAC seeks to coordinate arts activities in the community, serve as an informational and resource center for the arts, and promote local artists and arts organizations. In addition to exhibitions of visual arts such as paintings and sculpture, BAC offers summer camps, cooking classes, craft classes, and more. Learn more at
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